Friday, December 21, 2007

Plastic Wastes

It’s scary… Downright scary, when I think of how the ecosystem of this earth seems to be changing for the worse. Each day, some disaster or the other hits this planet… Tsunamis, tornados, melting glaciers, dwindling forests, scarcity of water, all amount to one thing… untold misery and loss of life to all the living beings on this wonderful world. Eminent scientists all over the world are warning us of impending disaster if we do not do something fast to cover up the damages done by the human race to this world.

Let me ask you a simple question.. what are YOU doing about it? isn’t it the moral responsibility of every human being in this world to protect it from further damage and to preserve this world and all the wonders of nature in it for the future generations??? Actually, I have been asking myself this question for quite some time.

I see a lot of atrocities committed to nature right in front of my eyes. But as a mere indivudal, I am practically helpless to fight them. For example, take the case of plastics. Even in a small town like mine, every single person is aware of the destruction caused to this environment by the ordinary plastic covers that are dispensed free of cost by the shopkeepers, when we buy something from the shops. People throw them after use, and you can see them flying along roadsides, and settling down in drains, and clogging them up. In spite of warnings and threats of fines from the authorities, this is still a common occurrence. Though, after a recent ban on those really thin recycled ones, it is still a problem area, which we all ought to stand up and deal with.

I guess, we, as responsible people of this world, should try and limit it’s use in our own houses. If all those who read this blog of mine, reduces their plastic cover consumption to atleast 10%, I would consider that I am on my way to success. Let us carry our own shopping bags while shopping, and help this world. I know, banning plastic covers altogether is a near improbability, but let us atleast try to avoid those real thin (lesser than 30microns) ones for a start.

If any of you have any worthwhile comments to pass on, please do. Your one suggestion could make a huge difference.

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